How The “Greatest Generation” Destroyed My Future
Every generation is like being on a giant cruise ship. You arrive on the
ship at the same time, it leaves port, and then a relatively small group at
the fr...
1 day ago
My Substack: SteveSailer.Net, by Steve Sailer
I started actively posting to my Substack at SteveSailer.Net last May and
it's been going very well. Drop on by and take a look.
1 day ago
Bonapartism: The Downfall
The Italian War was the turning-point in the history of the Second Empire.
Up to 1860 everything seemed to have succeeded with the man who twelve
years bef...
2 days ago
Another one bites the dust.
I don’t usually cover the events of the day, because one loses track of the
big picture. The events of the day only reveal their meaning when viewed
2 years ago
A new legend
Unauthorized is very, very pleased to announce that MADE BY JIMBOB has
joined the intellectual outlaws of the Internet. Look for his videos on the
Made b...
3 years ago
Review of Rod Dreher’s “Live Not By Lies”
Two years ago, when reviewing “The Benedict Option”, I wrote, “Almost all
Dreher’s critics accuse him of crying wolf or being a Chicken Little at
best … Me...
4 years ago
360 Small Numbers
11111122222122, (((((0))))0), 293 111111222222, (((((0))))), 127
11111122222212, (((((0)))))0, 254 111112122222, ((((00)))), 277
111112212222, ((((0)0))), ...
4 years ago
Cold War 2 Propaganda
So it seems that hostility to China is now official American policy.
Redgov, i.e. the Military Industrial Complex has been pushing it for quite
a while, ...
4 years ago
The Pursuit Of Worthiness: Lessons Drawn From The Mormon Experience
1. Introduction From stormy origins to the stability of the American
Century, leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have
played the...
5 years ago
Diversity’s Dilemma
There’s a sort of prisoner’s dilemma now facing a federal judge in the
ongoing Harvard race discrimination court battle. As you know, the
prisoner’s dilemm...
6 years ago
Imperial Circular 09/13/18: On Steel Tariffs (STEEL-cam 1 Tech-Comm 0).
“Economics is a matter of national security.” That was the central claim we
made in our post STEEL-cam v Nick Land’s Tech-Comm Accelerationism. Today,
we r...
6 years ago
Catalonia and the Problem of Separatist Nationalism
The separatists in Catalonia are not motivated by any traditional
nationalist concerns; rather they wish to create a better shopping mall
than Spain, where...
7 years ago
My Last Post
This is my final post here. I did not just want to stop writing and
disappear like Foseti and sort of like Handle. Two names from the old days,
which is ve...
7 years ago
Joining Thermidor
I had said that I would have an article at Thermidor upcoming, but the
truth is somewhat more substantial. Since the magazine started, my good
friend P.T....
7 years ago
The Very Best of Last Week in Reaction (2017/05/28)
Last week’s TWiR is finally up at Social Matter. The ballots are in. These
were the articles most worthy of note: Honorable Mentions: Imperial Energy:
7 years ago
Scaring Bad Boys, Part II
More Caldo:
Dalrock wrote a post commenting on Scott’s post and elaborated in a similar
direction as one of my previous essays. While I agree with what bot...
8 years ago
The Problem of Efficient Political Order
The fundamental imperative of the state, at least from the perspective of
the state, is to maintain sufficient political hegemony, such that no
subset of...
8 years ago
Ab Ovo Usque Ad Mala
The time has come to say good-bye. This is something I’ve been planning for
a while now. The moment has come when I need to step away from this blog,
9 years ago
This post has moved to the permanent location for Unqualified Reservations
by Mencius Moldbug:
- Hiatus
10 years ago
Company free riders
Some companies–particularly in the tech industry–can afford to make silly
mistakes without it costing them very much. They can also afford to make
silly hi...
10 years ago
The Afrikaner Exception
Tyler Cowen. The White House just issued an executive order on South Africa
that includes admitting Afrikaner South Africans as refugees to the United
7 hours ago
News About Wellfleet, From Across The Pond
Over in England, the U.K. Independent has picked up the story of a
slow-motion disaster taking place about a mile from where I live. Our
living-room window...
2 days ago
Trump and Elon A La Carte
Washington, D.C. I now think a lot of sector people make a mistake when we
try to figure out a common denominator between this Elon and the H-1B Elon.
3 days ago
Winter light
open thread
3 days ago
Rolling Back DEI: Resisting Forced Equality
Over at The Epoch Times, our favorite doctor welcomes the beginning of the
end of the odious DEI system thanks, in no small part, to President Trump.
The d...
5 days ago
What Winning Means
This past week has been a good week. A VERY good week. A GREAT week. The
winning started as soon as Trump took his oath of office and has yet to
slow down....
1 week ago
Make Gender Sex Again
Come the next Dominion election, which must come by October, is likely to
be called shortly after Parliament sits again which is currently scheduled
to o...
2 weeks ago
RIP David Lynch, who mythologized the normies of Edenic Americana, through
saturated dreamy naturalism
Following up on a series of comments starting here on the topic of "cool
vs. weird," and another series starting here on the topic of the 50-year
cycle i...
2 weeks ago
Understanding the Left on Immigration
In lieu of the coming 2024 Kamala-Trump election shit show I have decided
to resurrect this blog, but with no intention of regular posting. This will
6 months ago
Was the Electric Car a Bait-and-Switch?They were never viable; so why were
they pushed?
I’m sure that everyone here knows about how he stole the company from a
couple of California dreamers. With all due respect to those guys – who
sound lik...
1 year ago
Conservatives and the fertility rate
The advance of science very gradually led to the decline of religion which
has greatly changed the western world. Most seriously it has affected the
1 year ago
10 Predictions for the next 5 to 10 years
A friend asked what the big trends in American society over the next five
to ten years would be. This is a fun time frame to think about, because you
2 years ago
Portrait of a ticket-taker
By (Unknown) Source: Vox Popoli
3 years ago
Volvo advertising: America ......and Poland
Diversity isn't your strength. It lowers your wages, marginalises your
culture, increases your crime, fills your hospitals, occupies your housing,
ruins ...
4 years ago
Fiscal Impact by Race in 2018
The US Federal Government, State and local governments do not collect data
on race and tax revenue. So this data here is based on multiple sources to
come ...
4 years ago
Sun Of the Sleepless
…from the quills of dead white poets Lord Byron (1788 – 1824) (From “Hebrew
Melodies”) Sun of the Sleepless! melancholy star! Whose tearful beam
glows tr...
5 years ago
Diversity’s Dilemma
There’s a sort of prisoner’s dilemma now facing a federal judge in the
ongoing Harvard race discrimination court battle. As you know, the
prisoner’s dilemm...
6 years ago
Let’s Guess Who Helped Felons Get The Right To Vote In Florida
Just as a disclaimer, I’m actually a pretty mellow guy when it comes to
people who served their prison time for whatever it is they were convicted
of (sex ...
6 years ago
Israeli Airforce struck Damascus airport
Military sources confirmed to Muraselon website that the Syrian
air-defenses have intercepted unidentified targets above the western
countryside of Damascu...
7 years ago
Daily Linkage – December 4, 2015
- Alpha Game: Dating rules
- Vox Popoli: Government isn't fixing this either
- Your Self-Worth Should Not Be Negotiable: 3 Steps To Stop Sell...
9 years ago
According to the Way of Men, the four defining masculine virtues are
strength, courage, mastery, and honour. As the foundations of masculinity,
I am going ...
10 years ago
Daily Rome Shot 1241 – a lucky man
Please remember me when Christmas shopping online and use my affiliate
links. US HERE – WHY? This helps to pay for health insurance (massively
hiked for ...
3 hours ago
The most successful social contagion of our times
At a protest against Trump's executive orders targeting child mutilation
procedures on minors, Actress Cynthia Nixon reveals that:
-Her daughter is tran...
3 hours ago
Optimism and the ideology of progress: the Achilles Heel of Western
I have often commented on the absolute need and demand for *optimism* that
is characteristic of our Western civilization.
So much so; that many Western ...
13 hours ago
Not Tired of Winning Yet CCVI
More winning: ‘No need’– Donald Trump Revokes Joe Biden’s Security
Clearances President Donald Trump on Friday announced he is revoking former
President Jo...
21 hours ago
Trump’s Gaza proposal is gravely immoral
Today my critique of Trump’s Gaza proposal appears at the *National
Catholic Register*. Friends, whether you agree or disagree, I urge you to
allow your...
21 hours ago
Peter’s First Act as Leader was Abdication
“Your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams . .
. . upon my handmaids will I pour out in those days of my spirit, and they
5 days ago
Simulation and Yellow Cards
That was when I learned about “simulation” for which he should have
received a yellow card. Continue reading →
1 year ago
Cry For the Children…
…unless they happen to be inside a womb. Democrats and others crying about
so-called “child abuse and ripping children from their parents” who
purposely br...
6 years ago
Three 80s shows
**both sexes welcome** Let’s get one thing straight: There is NO EPIDEMIC
of “racist” white cops cruising around American cities hunting down and
shooting ...
8 years ago